The Courier reports that:
There were accidents aplenty over the weekend, with main roads blocked by trapped cars and jack-knifed lorries. But, for the most part, the accidents were not serious and there were few reports of injuries.
November's record snowfall overnight on Saturday brought a freak weather condition with it — as many areas experienced a rare weather phenomenon known as thunder snow.
Thunder and lightning are usually accompanied by rain, but snow fell heavily instead as storms raged overnight and into the day.
As for me I walked down Clepington Road towards Pitkerro Road, all the way down the Kingsway to the Apex Training Centre near the Scott Fyffe roundabout, only to find that it has been cancelled. En route, the streets were fairly quiet, not least I imagine because many cars were snowed in. The ploughs and gritters and had done their job making sure the main roads were open though and I saw a few buses on the roads too.
I was amazed however at the actions of a couple of older people who were trying to get to Arklay Street Post Office. Both were walking with the aid of sticks and were having great difficulty getting over the heaps of snow created by the ploughs at the side of the road. It reminded me of the queues of pensioners that used to form before opening time at Tesco in the Wellgate. There's just nothing gonna get in the way of them!!!
The City Council's website also advised that:
All Dundee City Council-run schools will be closed on Monday and the council will announce plans for Tuesday as soon as they are known. Check www.dundeecity.gov.uk for updates.
All family support centres and learning disability centres in Dundee, along with the Oaklands day centre for older people, will also be closed.
Dundee College is also closed, but Dundee High School has said it will be open for all who can get there safely today.
By late morning the Courier reported that:
A Met Office spokeswoman says at least another 10cm of snow will fall before the showers drift away.
Dundee, Fife, Angus and Perth and Kinross can all expect temperatures to drop below zero tonight, making conditions on Tuesday even more treacherous.
Although the worst of the lightning and snowstorms that hit Tayside and Fife may now be over, there will be no respite from the Arctic conditions until the end of the week.
"There are a lot more snow showers to come later today and although they will dry out overnight, temperatures will drop as low as -3C in Dundee and lower inland so it will be very frosty tomorrow," said the Met Office spokeswoman.
"There will be some snow showers on Tuesday afternoon and we could be looking at another 10 centimetres in all before the snow moves away."
Temperatures as low as -20C are predicted in some parts of the country.
View Over Howff Cemetery, 30 November 2010