Apparently Marmite have today released a chocolate bar version of their famous yeast spread, a taste that people either love or hate. I am in the latter category. Under the brand Very Peculiar Milk Chocolate Bar By Marmite, the product will be stocked in retail chains such as BHS, Debenhams and Robert Dyas from 4 October. The 100g bar blends creamy milk chocolate “with a hint of the yeasty spread”, says the company. It has a suggested retail price of £3.
This is not my cup of tea but it got me thinking about chocolate bars from my childhood that are either no longer available or are in short supply.
Bar Six
This was made by Cadbury's. I always remember its orange wrapper. It had six sections (surprise surprise) with cream and wafer on the inside and chocolate on the outside. The nearest thing taste wise nowadays would be Kit-Kat Chunky.
Not sure if it would qualify as chocolate exactly but it was very tasty. It was made by Nestlé and was a caramel flavoured bar, light brown in colour, like butterscotch sauce. Now for those of you who like McVitite's Gold Bars, then the biscuit covering is exactly what Caramac is. Imagine a whole bar of this without the biscuit. Yummy.
Tonibell Miniball
"Eat the ice cream inside me then use me as a playball."
This was a miniature plastic football about the size of a tennis ball. It was available in different colours. It was filled with ice cream which you scooped out, then when finished, replaced the lid and voila you had a wee football to kick around the streets. Look at the price on the add too - one shilling, which is equivalent to 5p.

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