Sunday, 27 March 2011

Out Of The Mouth Of Babes

Conversation with 12 year old daughter yesterday about GAP clothing store:

"If I walked around Kirkton with a GAP t-shirt I'd get my head kicked in"
"Why's that?"
"Cause GAP stands for Gay And Proud"
"Is that why you don't shop there?"
"No I don't shop there cause it's shite!"

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Brit Tornados To Enforce Libya No-Fly Zone

Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that British fighter jets are being deployed immediately to enforce a United Nations no-fly zone in Libya. "At Cabinet this morning, we agreed the UK will play its part," Mr Cameron told the House of Commons.

"Britain will deploy Tornados and Typhoons as well as air-to-air refuelling and surveillance aircraft."

Mr Cameron added: "Our forces will join an international operation to enforce the resolution if Gaddafi fails to comply with its demand that he ends attacks on civilians.

"Preparations to deploy these aircraft have already started and in the coming hours they will move to bases from where they can start to take the necessary action."

Hague Holds Hoedown Hand

The United Nations Security Council late last night approved a resolution on Libya, authorising a no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" to enforce it in order to protect civilians under threat of attack from Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Foreign Secretary William Hague said the UN resolution was necesary "to avoid greater bloodshed and to try to stop what is happening on civilians."

Let's see what happens over the next few days as Hague gets his finger on the trigger.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

To Bankers Everywhere

Tax Payers' Bank Boss Takes Plenty

Hot on the heels of Barclays Bob Diamond receving a handsome multi-million pound windfall, Royal Bank of Scotland boss Stephen Hester has received bonus shares worth £4.5 million on top of a £2 million annual bonus and an annual salary of £1.2 million. The bank is owned by the tax payer to the tune of 83%. Trade union Unite described the bonus as a 'disgrace'.

Barclays Bankers' Bonus Bonanzas

New chief executive of Barclays, the aptly named, Bob Diamond has received a £6.5 million bonus. He recently said the time for 'remorse and apology' from bankers should end. His bonus was dwarfed by other colleagues including Jerry del Missier who got £33 million in shares and Co-Chief Executive Rich Ricci with £24 million in shares.

Mr Diamond's pay deal was labelled 'extraordinary greed' by Labour MP John Mann, who questioned him at a treasury select committee hearing in January. Dave Prentice, General Secretary at at public sector union Unison, said, "The time for remorse is far from over - we want to see bankers accepting they must pay off the debt they caused.'

There will be more cash to come for Mr Diamond who became Chief Executive in January with a salary of £1.35 million and incentive bonus shares of up to £6.7 million next year. Barclays top earner, who is unnamed was paid £10.9 million.