New chief executive of Barclays, the aptly named, Bob Diamond has received a £6.5 million bonus. He recently said the time for 'remorse and apology' from bankers should end. His bonus was dwarfed by other colleagues including Jerry del Missier who got £33 million in shares and Co-Chief Executive Rich Ricci with £24 million in shares.
Mr Diamond's pay deal was labelled 'extraordinary greed' by Labour MP John Mann, who questioned him at a treasury select committee hearing in January. Dave Prentice, General Secretary at at public sector union Unison, said, "The time for remorse is far from over - we want to see bankers accepting they must pay off the debt they caused.'
There will be more cash to come for Mr Diamond who became Chief Executive in January with a salary of £1.35 million and incentive bonus shares of up to £6.7 million next year. Barclays top earner, who is unnamed was paid £10.9 million.